Live the Moment

Sitting by my little one's side, talking about the beauty of green grass, blue sky, flying birds and the air around. Watching her expressive response and listening to her blabbers. Life is good.

Yes, there is whole lot of work to be done. Piling household work, stacked up bugs/issues, cook food for the family, cook food for my daughter, feed my daughter, clean her, put her to sleep, keep cool when trying to understand what my daughter really wants, be of comfort to her, play with her. Not to forget those umpteen number of times when you would need to carry her while cooking in turn stressing your back and while managing all these, trying to allocate some time just for yourself, write it, draw it, sketch it, colour it, do whatever- this is basically the know-yourself time.

Sure, life is fun when you have handful of tasks all the time and you excel in your own way.

Midst of all this, do not forget to lay back and breathe in the freshness of air around. Life is not just doing what you are doing for a living but about those little moments you spend with your loved ones.

This one is for all those lovely mothers who battle each day with both effort and excitement trying to spend as much time as possible with their child(ren) while fitting in all the other unavoidable tasks in a 24 hour period.

Of course, not to forget the fathers, who always lend a supportive hand at home even after a tiring day at work. ( the mother works too :P)

Essence of life is not just leading a repetitive period of 24 hours but to make memories of few moments here and there.

Yes. Life's good. Always.